As we celebrate our 12th Annual Art Competition, we are reminded of its original purpose: to inspire young artists to think creatively and explore the boundless depths of their imagination. Over time, this competition has evolved into much more than a display of artistic talent; it has become a vibrant reflection of the true beauty of our beloved country, Belize. This year, young artists used their creativity and imagination by using the theme “Changing Belize, Impacting the World” to share their insights into the future of Belize.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to all the talented children for participating in our past and current Art Competitions. Every brushstroke, pencil stroke, and burst of creativity you’ve shared has left an unforgettable mark on our hearts.

It brings us immense joy to present this year’s competition winners. Choosing fifteen (15) pieces per category from the wealth of beautiful, creative, and inspiring artworks received was no small task. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and express our gratitude to all the participants for their dedication and hard work. We encourage you to participate in future competitions and thank you for helping us make the Art Competition an ever-evolving masterpiece.

  • Primary School Winners
  • High School Winners